Wellness is a strongly sought-after idea, but how is it actually acquired?
A full body cleanse? The perfect workout regimen? Finally settling into a “balanced” routine?
Not quite. If you’ve tried any of the above, you know what I’m talking about. It works for about one week, but it’s just not sustainable.
Wellness is more about feeling your best to LIVE the most fully. Pretty simple. That’s what we all want… right?
But how do we get there?
In theory, the ‘clean girl’ lifestyle is the perfect model for living out this idea of “wellness”, but complications inevitably arise when you start jam-packing every little social media tip you can find into your day. Living well slowly starts turning into a frenzy of never-ending tasks to try and match your lifestyle with someone else’s, resulting in overwhelm and a loss of authenticity (your superpower!). Contradictory or not, this wide array of health tips have a common denominator: they all promise once you complete this list of restrictions and additions for an extended period of time, your problems will just melt away.
No matter how much “wellness” content you consume on social media, the implementation process can be particularly sticky in the following areas: focus, motivation, consistency, and comparison.
Now, obviously life will never be picture perfect, but you do have the ability to genuinely ENJOY it. By walking through some general tips about implementing lifestyle changes that actually stick and sharing what has helped me to feel my best, maybe “wellness” can shift from a trend you desire to a lifestyle that lights you up!
It’s not about shifting all your focus to obtain the perfect healthy lifestyle, but building a narrower vision. This step includes clarifying your goals, envisioning your outcome, and becoming aware of the things that do not align with your FOCUS.
Clarifying your goals is a big task, so I recommend working backwards by starting with the big picture. Take a moment to visualize what your dream future looks like. I get it, that’s a huge question, but you can make it realistic. Focus on your day-to-day routine: think of the aspects of a full life that you are missing or want more of.
Now, answer this question: what changed?
Did you wake up a little earlier to get in some morning sun or a workout? Did you prioritize a focused quiet time? Did you finally make that Google Calendar and schedule in a few more social gatherings to look forward to?
Living this well-rounded, full life requires you to take inventory: figure out what your non-negotiables are and what distractions can no longer be a part of the picture.
Non-negotiables can range from a specific wake-up routine to mandatory, screenless time with family in the evenings. Write out your core 5 values and set into motion daily choices that support and align with those values.
Become aware of your distractions and temptations, AND actively remove them from your life. That is NOT a punishment. It makes your life easier. To add something into your life you must make some room. Let’s be honest, making the better choice is increasingly more difficult when the option, say that nice pack of cookie dough in the fridge, is staring right at you. Obviously, not all distractions are as removable as cookie dough, but your brain finds comfort in the easy and simple. If it’s not an accessible option, you probably are less likely to choose it.
Living well does not require extreme deprivation. Putting in a little bit of work to find healthier alternatives, substitute something here and there, and limit distractions will give you more freedom to choose the things that make you feel your best. A few minutes of additional planning will decrease decision fatigue and increase your confidence in living life well.
There is no single motivator that will carry you through those days when continuing your health journey feels impossible. While discipline is crucial to persevere through moments of low motivation, motivation itself also plays an important role.
The start of any journey sets the tone for the long road ahead. It can be rooted in a drive towards discipline or the satisfaction of a job well done. If your motivation is narrowly focused or driven by self-criticism, the journey will lack enjoyment and you will burn out… fast.
How can you stay motivated to continue a lifestyle that you don't find enjoyable?
The short answer: you can’t.
Well maybe that is too short of an answer because trials DO produce fruit, but joy is available in the present to fuel you through the challenge.
PRO TIP: keep a log of the little joys. Sometimes we lie in a waiting period for something miraculous or super serotonin boosting to keep us going. Developing a heart of gratitude reaches far beyond accomplishing a goal, it will produce a heart shift in other circumstances as well, like relationships or life satisfaction as a whole.
Infusing joy into your wellness journey begins with your internal motivators, but that’s not to say that the sought-after external rewards aren’t enjoyable as well.
By “external rewards,” I’m not solely referring to body changes that follow healthy habits. Moreso, I am talking about the freedom that results from restoring and resting your body to allow you to function more freely. It should be a byproduct of taking care of yourself, not relentlessly pursuing perfection.
Perfection is not the goal (Remember? Wellness is about shifting your lifestyle to feel your best and live more freely). There is no absolute truth in human “perfection”—humans are uniquely created, and societal beauty standards are ever evolving. We know this of course, but it's nice to have a reminder every once in a while;)
You will not be perfect, no matter how long you solidify your routine. Embrace the mistakes and be proud of yourself! You are creating change, gaining confidence in your authenticity, breaking chains, and inspiring others to do the same!
Spend some time reflecting on your true motivations.
Is your focus more reliant on internal or external rewards? What long-term goals are worth remaining disciplined for? When you are at your worst, what can you cling to to remain rooted in change?
Consistency isn’t the absence of mess-ups. It is a grace within boundaries that encourages you to keep going. GRACE is so important in pursuing wellness. We are imperfect humans, so we will need grace over and over again. Grace is not an excuse, and it should not be taken advantage of.
Grace is, however, a barrier that keeps you from tailspinning into toxic thoughts about WHO you are.
Your mistakes do not define you, nor do they justify a continual pattern of: “I might as well finish out the day poorly because I took a wrong step”. Look at every new choice as a separate opportunity to take the high road.
A practical way to remain consistent along with being gracious with yourself is to keep track of your progress. Whether it’s a fitness goal or a healthier way of eating, celebrating the little wins will keep you going. It allows you to believe that sustainable change is possible!
75 Hard, an extreme fitness challenge, has a list of tasks that you must complete every day for 75 consecutive days. It consists of two workouts, at least one being outside, a gallon of water, etc. One crucial piece of this program is that you must take a mirror selfie every day to track your progress. As silly as it seems, it serves as one of the greatest tools for consistency.
Many people believe the lie that they are incapable of change in any regard. When they start a new wellness journey or challenge, they quit because they don’t see much of a difference.
I encourage you to stick with it and keep some sort of a log every day of the challenge. It can be as simple as a photo or a note in your Notes app. Change can be gradual, but having a physical reminder of where you started, physically or mentally, will highlight the actual change that is occurring.
Another practical way to remain consistent in your pursuit is setting smaller goals that align with your desired outcomes. Big goals are 100% achievable, but they can be overwhelming and feel defeating at times. Set a list of mini goals every day to ensure that even when you feel far from the ultimate goal, you are encouraged because you are making things happen in the waiting!
Nothing changes if nothing changes, and change is a process… so stick with it!
Everyone’s bodies are different. It’s okay and completely normal for your journey to look different than those online. You have to find what makes you feel best, not what makes you look like someone else. If wellness is a lifestyle, and everyone’s lifestyles are complex and beautiful in different ways, then wellness shouldn’t look the same universally.
Surround yourself with people who will keep you accountable and encourage you in pursuing your goals. These friends should not be a source of comparison but a weapon against it.
Limiting your time on social media may also help in limiting comparison. Yes, you may come across an extremely motivating video every once in a while, but I could not tell you a single video I’ve watched online that has absolutely changed my life.
You have a vision. You have inspiration for the life you want to live. Videos may supplement that vision every so often, but the opportunity for comparison may do more harm than the tiny spark of inspiration does good.
Finding what works for your life doesn’t permit you to make more excuses than others. Rather, it places a responsibility on you to figure out where sacrifices must be made to remain committed to your wellness.
You are worthy and capable of change. Start small, dream big, assess your values, spend some time planning, and push yourself to persevere through the uncomfortable because that is where you will begin to see change.
I am cheering you on, friend! Be free!
Linds , This is great encouragement and so well written . Love how intentional you are with your time. You are doing great things💗Love you, Aunt Stacey
Thanks for this great reminder and encouragement!